Giving Thyroid Cancer a Technical Knockout

Giving Cancer A Knock Out With Super Foods

by Anthony Kahonge

Food is medicine and medicine is food.

Actually, the definition of food is “the first medicine that goes with natural prescription”. Food heals anger and a thousand other diseases.

I am a staunch believer in this fact and 21st century science and technology can back this up. Over the last millennium, man’s standards of living have deteriorated sharply as we ‘advance’ in technology and economic growth but the fact of the matter is that life expectancies have declined due to a change in lifestyle, diet and health care. Back in the day, people drank water full of minerals and ate natural organic food and when they fell sick, the natural remedies were abundant from the gazillion herbs in the bush.

Today we eat sausages for breakfast, chips & chicken for lunch and pork for dinner 90% genetically engineered. When we get sick, we rush to a man in a white lab coat and give him money in exchange for drugs that are probably counterfeit, adding salt atop the wound.

Super Foods

Wheat grass is perhaps the most nutritious super food on this planet! 13 vitamins, 20 amino acids, 30 enzymes and more than 15 minerals and trace elements, this is why many refer to it as ‘Miracle Food’. As any other green plant, wheat grass contains chlorophyll. In fact, 70% of its matter is very potent chlorophyll which has several health benefits that have been backed by peerreviewedpublishedstudies.

Wheat grass is also used extensively in naturaltreatmentofcancerand has also been studied by top notch independent scientists.

Vegetable juices have also been found to have several unique compounds that help treat cancer…cruciferous veggies taking the most praise…Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, spinach juices are invaluable in the fight against cancer.

Apricot/apple seeds are also super foods that have been proventokillcancercellsnaturally. Many Pharmaceutical corporations told us that eating apricot seeds is dangerous and can even lead to death but they know they will not make profit if everyone ate his/her apricot seeds. The seeds contain vast amounts of vitamin B17 and also cyanide which is unreactive unless it detects cancer cells, for more information watch, Aworldwithoutcancer.

Photo by Suat Eman

Cannabis has also been used for thousands of years as natural medicine and today medicinal marijuana is widely advocated for in the USA, Canada, Europe and other developed nation after several scientific studies by well-respected investigators proved that the cannabinoids in hemp actually help in inhibiting tumour growth (HarvardStudy). Plus you don’t have to smoke it, there is cannabis oil, powder, brownies, juice et al.

“The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer,” said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine.

If you combine this anti-cancer arsenal together you will deliver a fully-fledged knock out like the one Mayweather gave Hatton 🙂 please share your thoughts on the comments section below.

Photo by Stuart Milles

Of course the FDA and other regulatory frameworks may disapprove the benefits of superfoods but we all know the huge influence the pharma industry in government…

In the final analysis, it is “We the people vs. Cancer” . So let us fight!

Views and opinions are those of the Author http://about.me/kahonge . Kahonge writes at http://healthylivingkenya.wordpress.com/

“The entire project team at tyTKO wish to sincerely express our appreciation for this guest blog by Mr. Kahonge. Thumbs Up! We are glad you have proven to be worthy of the fight!”

Qs. Nahinga David for tyTKO

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