Giving Thyroid Cancer a Technical Knockout

Interior Design: Proposed Renovation of Radiotherapy Ward at Kenyatta National Hospital by @_tyTKO

It has been an interesting Journey so far since we begun our people-driven campaign against Thyroid Cancer in Kenya. TyTKO is a project that seeks to Renovate the Kenyatta National Hospital thyroid cancer isolation ward as a short-term objective amongst other Goals like:

  • Create awareness about thyroid cancer
  • Enable easy access to information on thyroid cancer and its treatment
  • Inspire hope among cancer patients by creating a solid support group.
  • Giving financial support for treatment of less privileged patients

Every day that passes, we get closer in achieving the set Goals and Targets.

Here is a Floor Plan of the existing wards:

Existing Floor Plan : Thyroid Ward (KNH)

We are pleased to submit that the Architectural and Interior Design firm Insignia Design

has submitted to the project Team proposed interior design layouts based on the existing floor plan of the Three Wards.

Design and Art in HealthCare

Research has shown that use of design and art in healthcare aids healing by creating a sense of engagement with beauty, unleashing the power of the patient’s imagination to help them envision a future where they are in a better state. We will incorporate the following in our project:

Proxemics: The study and application of personal space zones-how close we like to be to other people.

Ergonomics/Human Factors: The study of how well the space, furniture, and other features fit the human body and how well they facilitate the tasks that need to be done in that space.

Building Codes: Sets of rules that specify the minimum acceptable level of safety for constructed buildings

Green Guidelines: The goal of these guidelines will be to create buildings that nurture the health of not only the patients and staff in the building, but also the surrounding community and environment.

Basic principles: build only what you need, reuse when you can, and use natural resources. Painting, photography, sculpture, and digital artwork will also be incorporated in the process

We are much pleased to share the initial Proposed Designs:

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This is so much better than the plain, pale walls that remind the Thyroid Cancer patients of much misery and fatalities of the disease.

It is our hope and prayer that we shall achieve our set Vision and Objectives,  giving Thyroid Cancer a Technical Knockout!

We continue to call upon more citizens of goodwill to make meaningful contribution towards the success of this project! This shall be a great collective achievement for all of us, the fight against cancer and Kenyatta National Hospital which hosts the only facility of its kind in Eastern

Healthy Living Kenya

“When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”

Jonathan Swift

I want you to become this genius today by doing one simple thing….quit that milk. 9 out of 10 people consume milk almost everyday and it is a very disturbing statistic given the numerous studies that have proven this thing as dangerous to human health.

6 Reasons Why You Should Not Drink Milk

  • Milk is scientifically designed to make a 50 KG calf into a 500 KG bull in about 6 months. This is so because it contains nutrients specifically created for you mammals. Now mos of you drink cow’s milk which I find very ignorant since even adult cows do not consume their own milk. In other words drinking that tea with milk everyday is why you are fat and/or out of shape…michellin cartoon…

View original post 445 more words

Design as Part of the Healing Process

In the 19th century, Florence Nightingale spoke of the importance of natural light, fresh air, touch, diet, noise control, and spirituality for healing and the patient should be put in the best possible condition so that nature can act and healing occur.

Currently Kenyatta National Hospital is the only hospital in Eastern and Central Africa that provides Thyroid cancer treatment.  The Iodine room where patients are isolated during their treatment is dilapidated.

Phase One of TyTKO Project is to renovate this ward.

Cancer patients frequently experience discomfort and fatigue, as well as worry and stress, during their treatment. Specific design changes in healthcare environments can reduce stress and alleviate the consequences of that stress. These changes can also help reduce medical errors and hospital-acquired infections, while improving staff morale and efficiency.

Portrait of Dr. Alphonse Leroy by Jacques-Louis

A soothing, peaceful clinical environment, can aid in the healing process. That’s why design is an essential part of the TyTKO agenda for this project.

Research has shown that use of design and art in healthcare aids healing by creating a sense of engagement with beauty, unleashing the power of the patient’s imagination to help them envision a future where they are in a better state.

We will incorporate the following in our project:
Proxemics: The study and application of personal space zones-how close we like to be to other people.

Ergonomics/Human Factors. The study of how well the space, furniture, and other features fit the human body and how well they facilitate the tasks that need to be done in that space.

Building Codes: Sets of rules that specify the minimum acceptable level of safety for constructed buildings

Green Guidelines: The goal of these guidelines will be to create buildings that nurture the health of not only the patients and staff in the building, but also the surrounding community and environment.

Basic principles: build only what you need, reuse when you can, and use natural resources.

Painting, photography, sculpture, and digital artwork will also be incorporated in the in the process

– Written by Gennevieve Omondi

For: Project TYTKO

The Battle and the War against Thyroid Cancer by Francis Mutua (@don_mu2ua)

4 Principles we must embrace to fight Thyroid Cancer

The “Art of War” by Sun Tzu is still relevant after many centuries since it was first written. When engaging in warfare, you must have the concept of it all in mind; before the battle, during and after the battle. In the TY TKO project, we are seeking war with a relatively new enemy thyroid cancer. This project seeks to create awareness on thyroid cancer and to improve the quality of health care to the patients who have been affected in Kenya. This is definitely a war we have to fight and win.

Photo : Africa

What is Thyroid Cancer?

Principle 01: To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.

Thyroid cancer is a cancer that affects the thyroid gland located at the front of the lower region of the neck. It is not age specific, it occurs to people of all ages. However, people who have had radiation therapy to treat enlarged thymus glands and tonsils are at higher risk of contracting thyroid cancer. The risk is further increased if the radiation therapy was done at an early age.

Kindly visit our Knowledge-Centre to Know the Enemy

Symptoms that are common to all types of thyroid cancer include persistent coughs, difficulty in swallowing food, hoarseness of the voice, thyroid lump, swelling of the neck and a thyroid lump.

Treatment and Prevention

Treatment depends on the type of thyroid cancer with surgery being the most common treatment. The entire thyroid gland is usually removed and sometimes if the doctor suspects spread to lymph nodes, they are removed too. Radioiodine therapy may be performed using external beam (x-ray) radiation or orally using radioactive iodine with or without surgery. After treatment, thyroid hormones are taken to replace the secretions from the thyroid gland. The dose is usually a little higher than normal body requirements to prevent recurrence of the cancer. If the cancer resists surgery or radiation and spreads to other body parts, chemotherapy may be used. However, this has only been effective for a few cases.

There is no known prevention mechanism for thyroid cancer. Awareness of the risk in early stages can mitigate the effect and extent of the damage. As a preventive measure, for those with a family history of thyroid cancer, the thyroid gland is removed before infection.

Principle 2: Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

We call for your support in our cause as we deliver a technical knock out to thyroid cancer. Our strategy is to get all citizens of goodwill, corporate and natural, to this cause. Already, Ms. Daniel Mwango has today written for the Business Daily HERE about the fight against Cancer. Diana has managed to fight and win her battle against Thyroid Cancer. This is a good sign! The more we create awareness to the cause, the greater shall be our success and the more we can help eradicate thyroid cancer in Kenya.

Principle 3: Management of many is the same as management of few. It is a matter of organization

We hope to start the revolution in Kenya with your help and take it to a global front. We are developing a solid framework that will serve our citizen efficiently and effectively. We hope to tailor it and export it to the world to ensure thyroid cancer remains in the archives of medical history. This is the real war which we must win by all means necessary!

Principle 4: When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum. When the strike of a hawk breaks the body of its prey, it is because of timing.

There has never been a better time to mobilize and fight our enemy. Join the fight, we are all worthy of the fight. This is our battle…whether infected or affected…we are in it for the WIN!

What we plan to do as TyTKO

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperilled in every single battle.

As TY TKO project, we have a Vision and a Mission. Apart from spreading the word on Thyroid Cancer prevention and care, we are also actively tackling the issue from multivariate positions. We have already had a meeting at the radiotherapy premises at Kenyatta National Hospital and are documenting the works to be done. We hope to renovate the existing dilapidated “Iodine Ward” and associated health care infrastructure in Kenyatta National Hospital. This is to provide better systems for treating and also create a friendly habitable space for thyroid cancer patients.

The ripple effect will be to create awareness to the public on this little known cancer. There are more than 100 types of Cancer. By raising awareness we will get more people tested and provide an avenue for proper health care through Kenyatta National Hospital and other facilities fighting the same disease. We are all this good fight!

This is a Guest Post by Mr. Francis Mutua who has joined our fight against Thyroid Cancer. We are thankful and greatful to his words! Asante Sana

Alternative Treatments for Thyroid Cancer

This post was Originally Written by Dr. Vijay Kumar Soni HERE

Biography: Vijay Kumar Soni is a MBBS from S. P. Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan University, Jaipur. He has worked in private, government, corporate hospitals for around 8 years, and has around three years of experience of medical writing and research.

Conventional treatment options

The treatment option is chosen based on several factors such as age of the affected individual, severity of thyroid cancer, involvement of adjacent structures, and presence of other disorders. These treatment options are quite beneficial in early stages of thyroid cancer wherein the entire cancerous tissue can be cleared successful. However, as the cancer progresses, the prognosis tends to become poor.


Surgery is the most common method used to treat thyroid cancer. During the surgical procedure, the surgeons may remove only the affected portions of the thyroid gland in mild cases of thyroid cancer which are in the initial stages of development. In case of later stages, the entire thyroid gland and also the adjacent structures may have to be removed.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy may either be used as an adjuvant therapy along with surgery or may be used as a separate treatment procedure. This involves controlled exposure of the thyroid gland to radiation sources that emit x-rays or other rays that kill the cancer cells.


Chemotherapy which involves the administration of anti-cancer drugs is also used as treatment modality in certain cases.

Thyroid hormone supplements

Following any of these treatment methods you may need to take thyroid hormone supplements to compensate the absence of natural thyroid hormones. The quality of lifeof individuals affected with thyroid cancer is based on the severity of the cancer and response of the cancer cells and the body as a whole to cancer therapy. While some cases of thyroid cancers are fatal other cases may be associated with complete cure, normal life expectancy and improved health conditions.

Alternative therapy for thyroid cancer

Various types of complementary and alternative medicine approaches are available for individuals suffering from thyroid cancer. Although these methods may not be useful in curing thyroid cancer, some of them have been able to prevent the occurrence of thyroid cancers while others are able to provide symptomatic relief. The severity of the symptoms of thyroid cancer and other adverse effects of the treatment procedures are generally reduced with the use of these alternative therapies.

Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT)

Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT) is one such alternative thyroid cancer therapy that promises both prevention and cure from thyroid cancer. This therapy involves administration of amino acid supplements, diet modifications and administration of nutritional supplements. This therapy tries to combine the protective effects of various nutritional and herbal substances. Different types of fruits, herbal supplements and nutritional supplements are to be taken in a prescribed manner under this therapy.

Mind-body medicine

Mind-body medicine practitioners believe that mind has the control over the body and a healthy mind can resolve many issues of the unhealthy body. This therapy involves practicing various relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, music, art and others. This is helpful in relaxing the mind and instills a positive attitude towards health and life in the individuals affected with thyroid cancer.


Numerous supplements have been tested across various studies in the treatment of thyroid cancer. Although there are not many studies supporting the cure of thyroid cancer, several studies have shown that these supplements may prevent the occurrence of thyroid cancer to a certain extent.

Further studies are required to substantiate these claims. Some of the nutritional supplements that are advised include: parsley, green tea extract, anti-oxidants, whey protein, calcium D-glucurate, licorice root extract and others. These supplements are believed to restrict the growth of cancer cells and improve the body response to conventional treatment methods. Furthermore they are also believed to improve the general health of the individuals with thyroid cancer.

Physical therapies

Physical therapies such as massage therapies, chiropractic care and reflexology utilize certain physical methods to reduce pain and other associated symptoms of thyroid cancer. These may offer symptomatic relief to individuals suffering from thyroid cancer.

Energy medicine

The followers of energy medicine claim that our body is composed of energy fields that are altered during disease. Correction of these altered energy fields is believed to provide relief from numerous disorders. Tai Chi, Reiki and therapeutic touch are some of the alternative therapeutic approaches that may provide relief from the symptoms associated with thyroid cancer.

Other approaches

Natural remedies through ayurveda, homeopathy and naturopathy are being offered in the treatment of various disorders. Chinese medicine is also used in certain instances. Acupuncture, acupressure and numerous such modalities are available as alternative thyroid cancer treatment options.

These alternative approaches for thyroid cancer may be useful in treating the symptoms associated with thyroid cancer. They may also boost the confidence of individuals suffering from thyroid cancer and hence help them to lead a much relaxed life. The beneficial effects of these therapies in curing thyroid cancer has to substantiated with much wider scientific studies before being used as therapeutic alternatives to cure thyroid cancer.

Giving Cancer A Knock Out With Super Foods

by Anthony Kahonge

Food is medicine and medicine is food.

Actually, the definition of food is “the first medicine that goes with natural prescription”. Food heals anger and a thousand other diseases.

I am a staunch believer in this fact and 21st century science and technology can back this up. Over the last millennium, man’s standards of living have deteriorated sharply as we ‘advance’ in technology and economic growth but the fact of the matter is that life expectancies have declined due to a change in lifestyle, diet and health care. Back in the day, people drank water full of minerals and ate natural organic food and when they fell sick, the natural remedies were abundant from the gazillion herbs in the bush.

Today we eat sausages for breakfast, chips & chicken for lunch and pork for dinner 90% genetically engineered. When we get sick, we rush to a man in a white lab coat and give him money in exchange for drugs that are probably counterfeit, adding salt atop the wound.

Super Foods

Wheat grass is perhaps the most nutritious super food on this planet! 13 vitamins, 20 amino acids, 30 enzymes and more than 15 minerals and trace elements, this is why many refer to it as ‘Miracle Food’. As any other green plant, wheat grass contains chlorophyll. In fact, 70% of its matter is very potent chlorophyll which has several health benefits that have been backed by peerreviewedpublishedstudies.

Wheat grass is also used extensively in naturaltreatmentofcancerand has also been studied by top notch independent scientists.

Vegetable juices have also been found to have several unique compounds that help treat cancer…cruciferous veggies taking the most praise…Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, spinach juices are invaluable in the fight against cancer.

Apricot/apple seeds are also super foods that have been proventokillcancercellsnaturally. Many Pharmaceutical corporations told us that eating apricot seeds is dangerous and can even lead to death but they know they will not make profit if everyone ate his/her apricot seeds. The seeds contain vast amounts of vitamin B17 and also cyanide which is unreactive unless it detects cancer cells, for more information watch, Aworldwithoutcancer.

Photo by Suat Eman

Cannabis has also been used for thousands of years as natural medicine and today medicinal marijuana is widely advocated for in the USA, Canada, Europe and other developed nation after several scientific studies by well-respected investigators proved that the cannabinoids in hemp actually help in inhibiting tumour growth (HarvardStudy). Plus you don’t have to smoke it, there is cannabis oil, powder, brownies, juice et al.

“The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer,” said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine.

If you combine this anti-cancer arsenal together you will deliver a fully-fledged knock out like the one Mayweather gave Hatton 🙂 please share your thoughts on the comments section below.

Photo by Stuart Milles

Of course the FDA and other regulatory frameworks may disapprove the benefits of superfoods but we all know the huge influence the pharma industry in government…

In the final analysis, it is “We the people vs. Cancer” . So let us fight!

Views and opinions are those of the Author http://about.me/kahonge . Kahonge writes at http://healthylivingkenya.wordpress.com/

“The entire project team at tyTKO wish to sincerely express our appreciation for this guest blog by Mr. Kahonge. Thumbs Up! We are glad you have proven to be worthy of the fight!”

Qs. Nahinga David for tyTKO

The Fight Against Thyroid Cancer Continues!

The TyTKO Project is a new collaboration of ordinary citizens and professionals from Kenya has announced their intention to join the fight against Thyroid Cancer in Kenya. This significant milestone wil be marked by Renovation of the Thyroid Cancer patients Isolation Room at Kenyatta National Hospital and raising local and Global awareness on the fight against Thyroid Cancer.

For more information on how and why you can support this Noble Initiative , Kindly check out the following:

The renovation of the Isolation Room is an important goal to both the Cancer patients, Oncologists and the long term goals of the fight against the disease.

Goals and Targets

Background : Story of how Diana Mwango survived

You can also assist by Spreading the Word and supporting the Project. Thank You

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